Friday, June 29, 2012

Domestic Violence | Family Law and Divorce Law News | Robert ...

Domestic violence is an epidemic problem in the United States.? It is suggested that roughly every nine seconds a woman is beaten.? These are horrible statistics.? There is never, under any circumstance, an excuse for domestic abuse.? Domestic abuse takes many forms and often is a process, which escalates from seemingly harmless verbal taunting to brutal violence.? Domestic violence is defined as a ?pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.?? Domestic violence can affect a variety of different actors.? People do not have to be involved in a traditional dating or marital relationship to be victims of domestic abuse.? Courts recognize family members and people involved in a number of different relationships as being protected by the domestic violence acts enacted in various jurisdictions. Domestic abuse can affect people no matter their gender, race, age, or socioeconomic status.? In this article I hope to pass on a general understanding of basic types of domestic abuse.

Types of Domestic Abuse

There are several varieties of domestic abuse and the majority of them are not physically violent.? Obviously, however, the place to begin this discussion is with the most severe form of domestic abuse: physical and sexual.? Physical abuse is where one partner physically assaults, or threatens to physically assault, another.? The motivation for this abuse is generally to gain or maintain power and control over the victim.? Physical abuse generally includes hitting, beating, choking, pushing, or throwing the victim.? It can also involve forced substance abuse, restriction of the victims freedom, damaging property, stalking, and threatening to harm the victim.

Sexual abuse is defined as any forced or coerced sexual act or behavior.? This coercion is usually motivated by the abuser to obtain or demonstrate dominance and power over the victim.? Sexual abuse is not only forced sexual contact, but also contact that is meant or acts to demean or humiliate the victim and instigates feelings of shame or vulnerability; particularly negative feelings in regards to the body, sexual performance or sexuality.? Sexually abusive behavior usually is demonstrated through unwanted touching, demeaning remarks about the victims body, berating a partner about their sexual history, forced sexual acts, and any other verbal or physical acts intended to cause the victim to feel insecure or violated.

While domestic abuse often manifests itself through violence or sexual abuse if left unchecked, it often begins as psychological or emotional abuse.? Emotional abuse is any use of words, voice, action or lack of action meant to control, hurt or demean another person.? This type of abuse is more difficult to define and to identify than physical abuse.? Emotional abuse typically includes ridicule, intimidation or coercion.? Verbal abuse is generally included in this category.? Although emotional and verbal abuse do not leave the physical scars that physical and sexual abuse do, it is still serious and needs to be dealt with.? It is not acceptable for a spouse to verbally berate and belittle their partner.? Often domestic abuse begins with verbal and emotional badgering and builds to physical or sexual abuse.? That is why this abuse must be dealt with.


These are the three most typical forms of domestic abuse.? They are all serious, unacceptable, behaviors.? Through domestic violence statutes the legislatures of almost every state have codified legal recourse for sufferers of domestic violence.? There are hotlines to call for advice and many lawyers available and eager to help victims of abuse.? From my experience working with victims of domestic violence, I can state that it is imperative for victims to seek help and seek it immediately.? Abuse rarely ceases on its own.? Rather, it usually escalates to physical and sexual violence, which causes irreparable harm to the victim.? Do not wait for the abuse to escalate to this point.? If you find yourself in an abusive relationship it is imperative you nip it in the bud quickly.? If it is necessary that you seek the assistance of the courts do not hesitate to do so.? There are remedies in place, both criminal and civil, to aid victims of domestic violence.? Don?t let your life be permanently ruined or destroyed at the hands of an abuser.? Seek help and move on.



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