Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hot temperatures are just as uncomfortable for pets

Released 04/01/2013

Community Engagement Unit

With Canberra currently experiencing very hot weather, Canberrans are reminded of the various ways they can help keep their four legged friend cool.

"The next couple of days are expected to be Canberra's hottest in the last few years, which makes it very important for pet owners to ensure their dog or cat is kept cool and hydrated," said Peter Dinan, Manager of Operations and Registrar of Domestic Animal Services.

"Pet owners need to plan ahead and make sure their dog or cat is never without water and has sufficient shade and shelter. If possible, pet owners should bring their pets inside so they can take refuge in the cooler indoor environment.

"When pets are outdoors they can easily become sunburnt, especially those animals with pink noses and fair skin. A sunscreen suitable for pets should be applied to reduce the risk of sunburn and skin cancer.

"It is also important for pet owners to plan ahead and avoid leaving their dog in a parked car for any period of time. Leaving your dog inside a parked car for even the shortest period of time could end in tragedy. It only takes a matter of minutes for a dog to die from heat exhaustion and dehydration, and even with the car window open the heat inside a parked car could still seriously damage its health.

"As dogs have a coat they only sweat through their paws and can overheat very quickly, which makes it very important to plan ahead."

Mr Dinan also pointed out that being a responsible pet owner includes when you are walking your dog.

"While we strongly encourage dogs to be exercised, dog owners need to be mindful that exercising dogs in hot temperatures can be just as uncomfortable for the pet as it can be for the owner.

"Avoid walking your dog during the hours of 11 am and 3 pm, as this tends to be the hottest part of the day. Ideally, dogs should be taken for a walk early in the morning or late in the afternoon as, even when the weather is cooling down, concrete paths often remain quite hot and a dog's paws are sensitive to heat."

Mr Dinan said that with the mercury on the rise it is a good time to take your dog for a swim. Some possibilities are Point Hut Crossing (western riverbank only) and Uriarra Crossing (east and west), which are designated areas suitable for dogs to go swimming.

For more information on responsible pet ownership visit

- Statement ends -

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