Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Health & Fitness News | Premier Training International's Official Blog ...

This final post of the series looks at how Hypopresive Exercise Techniques can be integrated into fitness programs.

Hypopresive techniques are a fantastic treatment method in the therapeutic field, especially in women?s health. They help to reduce organ prolapse, and cure incontinence better than any other technique available. Because it is so well established as a therapeutic method, it is often difficult to understand how this technique fits into fitness and preventative work.

Clients who have been assessed as having reduced core function will benefit from an initial phase of corrective programming that includes reprogramming of the reflex function of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor. Hypopresive exercises are very efficient in reprogramming.

Warm up
As part of a warm up, hypopresives stimulate the whole body, increasing body temperature. They also serve to activate the core and pelvic floor, so they are better able to handle the pressure changes within the abdominal cavity during training. They also stimulate the sympathetic nervous system at a much higher rate than a typical warm up, preparing your client more fully for the workout to come.

Cool down
The hypopresive exercises can be used during the cool down or stretching portion of the workout. The postures are great to restore alignment, increase intervertebral disk space, and improve posterior chain flexibility. Most importantly, these exercises help to re-establish proper core function again after a hyper-presive workout. They are very important for women participating in high risk activities for the pelvic floor, such as running, weight training, fitness classes, and other high-impact activities.

Standalone workout
A 20 minute dynamic hypopresive exercise sequence is extremely challenging and can easily take the place of a typical 1-hour workout. Most clients will love the fact that it produces results in less time.

Kesh Patel
Research & Development Manager


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