Saturday, February 9, 2013

Spinning a Narrative

In the world PR, the term ?spin? has a fairly negative connotation. We think of mega corporations trying to get out of getting into trouble for something naughty they did or a TV station leaving out information because their owners have an interest in the story being squashed.

Spin isn?t all about suppressing the truth, though. It can be used to ?spin? the narrative of your company. As you figure out your business and what the story behind it is, you need a way to direct everything. Without spin, you?re not able to get a cohesive storyline.

How it Works

Whether you?re doing it on purpose or not, you?re always leaving out information from your narrative you present to the public. Literally every day you?re choosing to ignore something that happens with your company. The reasons why vary, but the end result is the same ? knowledge suppression.

For example, you may think a piece of info is irrelevant, like your CEO has a history of gambling addiction. He got over the addiction years ago, so you?ve never spoken about it as associated with your company. However, some customers may have a problem with it if they knew about it. As a result, you?re involved in spin.

You are correct, though, that the CEO?s past is irrelevant (unless, perhaps, your business if finance related). It has nothing to do with how well the company sells your digital editing software package. It?s simply an example of spinning your narrative by eliminating it from the national dialogue.

Your Narrative

So how do you choose which events or facts you think go against your narrative but won?t be destructive if they come out? As with everything else, it takes a lot of careful consideration.

You have to decide whether the new piece of information you?ve gathered about the company would cause a ruckus if were to leak out. If you don?t talk about it yourself, eventually it will come out, and could look much worse. At this point you?re in recovery mode rather than spinning your narrative mode.

For instance, if your CEO recently had a relapse with his gambling addiction, it may not be a good idea to suppress the info. Customers who find out about it through other means may assume it?s going to negatively affect them and pull their business. If you talk about it first you can at least ?spin? it in a direction that doesn?t hurt your company.

Just remember not to intentionally mislead anyone. Positive spin is simply about leaving out irrelevant information. If something will hurt your customers, put them ahead of anything else.

What is the narrative you?re spinning for your business?

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (, the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Download your free copy of 8 Shocking Secrets Press Release Distribution Firms Don?t Want You to Know here:

Tags: digital editing software, gambling addiction, national dialogue, negative connotation, recovery mode, software package


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