Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Half-Truths and Fibs | The Impact Of Business

Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Through Jan. 27

New York

?Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop,? at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, is assistant curator Mia Fineman?s response to a persistent question she has been asked over the past five years: Have digital technology and software programs that alter an image with a few clicks on a comkeyboard destroyed faith in the evidentiary truth of photography?

Her persuasive answer: not nearly as much as we?ve been led to believe. Supported by an astute selection of some 200 works that goes back to the painted daguerreotype and forward to darkroom alchemy from the early 1990s, she argues that photographers have been ?lying? to us since the medium?s invention, often with our encouragement.

?Faking It? surveys the techniques of perfidy?retouched or hand-colored prints, masked or ?sandwich? negatives, double exposures, reversed tones, photo-collage, lenticular distortion, air-brushing?developed by professionals and amateurs since the 1840s to accent or complicate factual realities recorded by the camera. The dual nature of photography as objective reporter and fantastic apparition offers unique dramatic options. The camera?s push-button realism makes it easier to tell convincing half-truths and outright fibs. Totalitarian governments have buttressed their own legitimacy by adding or subtracting figures in newspaper photographs, while the public in capitalist democracies has given photographers broad license to alter reality, provided their images were clearly designed as art or entertainment.

Ms. Fineman has a roomy definition of manipulated photographs. The show contains Pictorialist masterworks, such as Edward Steichen?s tinted platinum print of a moonrise in the gloaming; the anti-Fascist cut-ups of John Heartfield; Soviet, Nazi and Chinese propaganda; surrealist fashion portraits by Erwin Blumenfeld and Richard Avedon; conceptual comedy by John Baldessari and William Wegman; as well as Weegee?s political caricatures and an array of ?Tall-Tale? postcards, an American specialty that dates back to the 1910s.


Many of these works have appeared in other books and shows, but not in a context so deliberately meant to breach well-guarded categorical preserves such as ?documentary.? The 19th-century landscape artists Gustave Le Gray and Carleton Watkins, for example, are seldom grouped with Henry Peach Robinson and Oscar Gustave Rejlander, best known for moralistic Victorian tableaus.

Ms. Fineman wonders in her essay if there is any such thing ?as an absolutely unmanipulated photograph,? and views all these men as stretchers of the truth. Robinson and Rejlander photographed costumed tableaus, while Le Gray and Watkins inserted cumulus clouds (from separate negatives) into pictures of seas or mountains. As she notes, such trumpery was not necessarily an aid to pump up the melodrama. It?s just that film at the time was insensitive to fast-moving skies. The doctored print was, in a way, a more accurate picture of the atmospheric conditions that the camera had recorded when Le Gray and Watkins had stood outdoors.

That the 19th-century public did not mind such trickery and greeted photography as a kind of stage magic can be seen in the many double-exposures here of severed heads and figures floating inside bubbles. The fraudulence of William H. Mumler, whose photographs claimed to record ?spirits? of deceased loved ones until his deceit was exposed in 1869 at a New York trial, was less common than overt forms of prevarication. The ?jackalope? and other silly graphic incongruities appeared on American postcards a decade or so before Paris intellectuals thought that pictures joining an umbrella and an ironing board constituted an art movement.

Even if people can?t decipher how an ?impossible? image is done, they can applaud stagecraft. Ms. Fineman presents for the first time prints of the two negatives that the German photographer Harry Shunk pieced together to produce ?Leap into the Void,? the iconic image from 1960 of the French artist Yves Klein swan-diving from a second-story window into the street. Other highlights that one can smile at (but need not know the mechanics of) are Grete Stern?s post-World War II ?Dream No. 1: Electrical Appliances for the Home,? in which a huge male hand reaches down to ?turn on? a lamp shaped like a curvaceous woman, a collage as funny as it is sexist; and William Mortensen?s ?Obsession,? a potent mixture of Hollywood stardom, gothic horror and 1930s kitsch.

Ms. Fineman is perhaps not as careful as she should be to separate photographs taken as personal descriptions of things or events and those constructed as illustrations for a narrative. She claims that ?straight? photography was ?always more of a rhetorical ideal than a practical reality.? As an example, her essay cites Ansel Adams?s ?Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico? from 1941, later prints of which he enhanced in the darkroom. By the standards of truth that govern photojournalism, which were never his standards, these prints were ?lies.?

But she dodges some thornier questions. Is the veracity of any image always compromised by the technology that produces it? Shouldn?t Adams receive some extra credit for capturing the scene in situ rather than by stitching the elements together with multiple negatives? Or is his artful (and sometimes excessive) use of filters as dissembling as software that lets anyone drop a full moon into any scene? If all photographs can be said to be manipulated, what is the point of this show?

?Faking It? stops before the revolution in production and dissemination of images attendant with the Internet era. But if anything, the panoply of manipulated photographs on the walls here is a match for anything done by artists since Adobe Systems Inc.

(the convenient funder of the exhibition) released Photoshop in 1990.

Don?t believe me? Step across the hall to the Met?s companion show, ?After Photoshop: Manipulated Photography in the Digital Age.? Continuity is more apparent here than historical rupture. Techniques of picture editing on a computer are more sophisticated, but the results are not.

Take the two photographs by Kelli Connell. Her 2006 digital twinning of herself in situations that suggest an erotic (or narcissistic) relationship differs hardly at all from Maurice Guibert?s c. 1890 double portrait of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec as both artist and model. Nancy Burson?s antinuclear ?Warhead I,? a computer-generated work from 1982 that anticipates what could be done in Photoshop, merges the faces of Leonid Brezhnev, Ronald Reagan, Fran?ois Mitterrand, Deng Xiaoping and Margaret Thatcher into a single head. But it is merely an updated version of Francis Galton?s composite portraits of genetic undesirables from the 1870s.

Historians of photography are continually astonished to learn in the writing and archives of the 19th century how rapidly the new technology was understood, absorbed and exploited, whether for politics, science, commerce or art. A mischievous chronicle of visual trickery over a century-and-a-half, ?Faking It? reveals the potential inherent in a communication process as transformative in its day as computers have been in ours.

Mr. Woodward is an arts critic in New York.

A version of this article appeared October 24, 2012, on page D5 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Half-Truths and Fibs.

Source: http://discovertheimpact.com/half-truths-and-fibs

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Huntersville family will walk for stomach cancer awareness ...

Ken Chelcun of Huntersville has been living without a stomach since Dec. 5, 2008, when he had surgery to remove the digestive powerhouse ? and prevent the cancer that killed his mother and brother.

He?s not the only one in his family who has taken this drastic action.

His sister, nephew and niece have also had their healthy stomachs removed.

All chose surgery after learning they share a genetic mutation that leads to hereditary diffuse gastric cancer, a syndrome that means they have an 80 percent chance of developing stomach cancer.

I wrote about the family in 2008, the same year they started the Chelcun Family Fund to raise awareness and money for research to improve diagnostic testing and treatment for stomach cancer. It has expanded into a worldwide foundation ? No Stomach For Cancer.

On Saturday, Ken Chelcun, his wife, Suzie, and their three sons will participate in the first No Stomach For Cancer walk, around the perimeter of Pine Lake Preparatory school in Mooresville.

Other walks will take place the same day around the world.

Stomach cancer is ?more prevalent than people realize,? Suzie Chelcun said. ?It is the second leading cause of cancer death (worldwide) but receives the least amount in federal funding?. In our experience, it was difficult to find answers. There really wasn?t a place to go.?

The Chelcuns? mother died of stomach cancer in 1982, at age 52. Brother Greg, of Wisconsin, died in 2009, at 58.

After Greg?s diagnosis, Ken Chelcun?s sister, Karen Chelcun Schreiber of Wisconsin, began researching the possibility of an inherited risk for stomach cancer in their family. Blood tests showed that she, Greg and Ken all inherited the genetic mutation.

There is no screening to detect stomach cancer, and symptoms don?t develop until the cancer is advanced.

Given the family history, Ken Chelcun said the choice to have surgery was ?pretty much a no-brainer.?

Now, the next generation is deciding.

Greg?s son Brian, 30, and daughter Johanna, 28, both have tested positive for the mutation and had the surgery.

Schreiber has two grown sons ? one tested positive but hasn?t had surgery; the other has chosen not to get tested.

Ken and Suzie Chelcun?s sons are 14, 12, and 9, and geneticists have advised them to wait until they?re 18 to even consider testing.

?It?s a hard knowledge to face,? Suzie Chelcun said. ?It?s going to be something they?ll have to decide when they get older.?

Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/10/29/3631137/huntersville-family-will-walk.html

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Monday, October 29, 2012

grid skate: Innovation in the Midwest ? A Self-Improvement Guide ...

Member Insights by Cathleen Hare, Plante Moran Partner, Columbus Office

Finding ways to sustain and grow a business is a challenge at the best of times, and it becomes even more challenging during difficult economic times such as the recent downturn. To push an organization beyond a survivor?s mindset to one that promotes growth and change requires innovation. Most importantly, organizations that innovate successfully can reap significant benefits. That?s according to a survey of public and private sector companies in the Midwest including a number of members from our Chamber.

The findings can be found in Plante Moran?s second annual Innovation Quotient (IQ) survey that, with the help of business educators of NewNorth Center, assessed more than 500 innovators from business, non-profit, health care and public sector organizations.

The survey identifies four tiers of innovators ? accidental innovators, disciplined innovators, top innovators and superstar innovators ? and demonstrates how organizations that move up the innovation ladder can improve their financial results. The innovation superstars have innovation in their DNA:? Their organizations look beyond the next horizon and make a deliberate choice to build and nurture innovation.

On average, survey respondents said they generated 16 percent of their revenue from new products or services introduced in the last three years. However the elite tier of superstar innovators was shown to adopt deliberate innovation practices that included budgeting for innovation to meet strat?egy goals and publicly rewarding ideas that emerge. This select group innovates in all methods and was rewarded by products/services introduced in the last three years that accounted for 23.3 percent of their revenue.

Those who achieve superstar status have innovation-hungry cultures we can all learn from, but a strategy is needed that includes the following tactics:

  • Establish clear and measurable expectations
  • Monitor progress on those expectations
  • Alter the plan when necessary
  • Abandon when not generating results

Innovation is a long-term investment and it takes leadership from the top down. A participant from the health care industry put it best when he said ? ?With or without legislation, we should continue to look for innovations and efficiencies in health care because it is the right thing to do.?

To see the complete survey results, click here. Thank you to those members who participated in the survey this year, and we look forward to continuing the innovation conversation with all of you next year.

Source: http://blog.columbus.org/chamber/2012/10/innovation-in-the-midwest-a-self-improvement-guide.html

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Source: http://teaomvig.posterous.com/innovation-in-the-midwest-a-self-improvement

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Source: http://grid-skate.blogspot.com/2012/10/innovation-in-midwest-self-improvement.html

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Source: http://timothyjohnnyy.posterous.com/grid-skate-innovation-in-the-midwest-a-self-i

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Apple iOS Chief Leaves, Jon Ive Takes Control (Updating)

At an as-yet-unknown date sometime in 2013, Apple's Senior Vice President, iOS Software Scott Forstall will be leaving Apple. Forstalls role is being reduced immediately, and Jony Ive will be taking over leadership and direction for Human Interface. The other aspects of Forstall's position will be doled out to various other members of Apple's existing executive team. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/qukPOq54VtQ/apple-ios-chief-leaves-jon-ive-takes-control

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Obama cancels stops in Virginia, Colorado because of storm


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Sunday, October 28, 2012

MONEY? News ? Internet Marketing Jobs on the Rise According to ...

Simi Valley, California (PRWEB) October 27, 2012

Internet marketing might be a new phrase to the average person, but it is no surprise to those earning six figure salaries from this industry. The InternetMarketingCoaching.co website has reviewed new jobs data that has revealed the growth in Internet marketing jobs online. A new training program is available that is accessible through the Internet Marketing Coaching website that is designed to teach beginners and advanced marketers the Internet marketing strategies that are being used to earn full-time salaries. This training can be accessed right here and is available entirely online through any Internet connected device.

Job statistics in the United States are released each month by independent agencies to help judge the growth of the economy. Many positions are added and taken away as the demand for these jobs increases or decreases. What started out as blogging for many people has now turned into a full-time career as Internet marketers.

Some former bloggers that have turned into Internet marketers have reported six figure salaries from working entirely online. The new training series accessed through the InternetMarketingCoaching.co website provides the information that individuals, business owners, website owners and others can use to earn income online through this job field.

While no formal hiring takes place for many Internet marketers, the ability to market products as well as services of other companies takes little more than a standard application.

?Affiliate marketing requires no product or service startup money,? said Brian Hanson, co-owner of Marketer?s Black Book. ?Affiliate marketing training is usually all that someone needs to get started earning money from simple promotion of established products and services online,? Hanson added.

As a full-time Internet marketer, Brian Hanson helps to train Internet marketers in part through his company?s YouTube page available at this link. This free training as well as the training that is now offered through the InternetMarketingCoaching.co website are two resources that those wanting to become Internet marketers can use online.

While blogging and affiliate marketing represent two routine jobs Internet marketers complete, more specific jobs of these marketers are also completed that contribute to monthly and annual income generation. Product creation is one way that Internet marketers use to earn income.

The creation and sale of unique products like e-books, audio books and other informational products is included in the opportunities available to Internet marketers online. The InternetMarketingCoaching.co website provides product creation information as well as digital marketing strategies to reach buyers online.

For individual workers, learning the skills of an Internet marketer could provide a way to earn online income in place of or in combination with a career path. For companies and website owners, performing the strategies used by Internet marketers could increase website traffic as well as increase e-commerce income online.

About InternetMarketingCoaching.co

The InternetMarketingCoaching.co website is one online resource that business owners and website owners use to get access to helpful training programs of Internet marketing. The coaches that own and operate this website are successful Internet marketers that are now providing access to useful training online. The training programs that are now accessible on the InternetMarketingCoaching.co website include some of the same information that these website owners use to earn full-time salaries online. The InternetMarketingCoaching.co website was launched in 2012.

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/internet-marketing-jobs/training-now-available/prweb10065413.htm

Source: http://money.ca/money/2012/10/27/internet-marketing-jobs-on-the-rise-according-to-internet-marketing-coach/

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What to Do When Your Forgot About Your Anniversary | Girls Teach ...

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Picture the scene.

It?s 150,000BC, Mr", Relationships fail because people do. Caveman and his tribe hunker down in the undergrowth ready to pounce on an unsuspecting Wildebeest.

They strike, capture the beast and chop him up ready for the journey back to camp.

They make their way into camp triumphant, keen to see the smiling faces of the tribes people.

But hang on, what?s this? There are no smiles, just icy stares and scowls emanating from every face in the crowd.

It?s at that moment it dawns on Mry, and hurts puppies. Caveman dun dun duuuun he?s forgotten their anniversary!!

Mren lead to marriage, But, at so. Caveman knows his fate is sealedls and tribulations, the relationship Gods h. He is shunned from the tribe and lives out his days in exile destined to a life of isolation until eventually he is gobbled up by a passing T-Rex, a fitting punishment for such a heinous crime.

The tribes people rejoice safe in the knowledge that this awful man has met his fate.

The End

Not a likely scenario right?

Back in the good old days of Dinosaur Vs Man Men?s duties were clear: 1) defend the camp and 2) hunt dangerous and delicious beastsuot;knowing" your p. They weren?t expected to worry about remembering their Anniversary or their Mums birthday.

We are a product of thousands of years of evolution but this focus on external factors remains prevalent in the male constitutione known early in the relationship, Don?. This, as Psychologist Dr Herb Goldberg points out, is part of the reason why a high percentage of men forget important dates like birthdays and anniversaries.

"They [men] are wired to focus on the external threats and pressures of the world outside of their "safe" relationships".

"In earlier times that meant hunting dangerous game and defending the homestead from marauding tribes but today is more likely to mean getting that promotion and ensuring that Jones from sales doesn?t get it," Dr Goldberg says.

"A man who forgets an anniversary or birthday is not being cruel or deliberately hurtful but is disconnected from the personal realm by his focus on the external realm, Being able to ask each other the right que. Men can become so focused on things outside of the relationship ? work, sport, and hobbies/interests that they become ?blind? to everything else."

Guys tend to remember important dates such as Mortgage payments and Insurance renewals but less logical events simply fall off the edge in the list of things to do.

We all know Men and Women think differently, there have been numerous studies documenting this and evidence suggests it?s the same the world over.

In conclusion, Men are rubbish at remembering Birthdays and Anniversaries but they have a pretty good excuse.

However as any man who has forgotten his anniversary will know; having a good excuse will not prevent the inevitable tirade which follows any forgotten occasion.

It comes down to the fact that while it may not seem like a big deal to guys, it means a lot to the ladies.

A recent survey revealed that 88% of women would be hurt if someone close to them forgot their birthday and 55% would feel that person didn?t care about them!

So guys buy a calendar, use a diary, write every date down on a post-it note and decorate your office with them, there are countless ways to ensure you don?t forget these occasionscan be stopped by asking your new (or marr. Don?t leave these dates to tumble around in the jumbled up filing cabinet which is your head because they will fall out it?s just a matter of time!

Source: http://girlsteachdating.com/index.php/2012/10/27/what-to-do-when-your-forgot-about-your-anniversary/

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Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8Windows 8 is full of awesome features and handy shortcuts, but what you may not know is that it's got a lot of handy, lesser-known settings under the hood. Here are 10 of Windows 8's best kept secrets.

10. Run Automatic Maintenance on a Schedule

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8Windows 8 has a new feature that runs automatic maintenance tasks like software updates, security scanning, and other diagnostic tests daily. By default, it runs them at 3AM, of if you're using your computer, the next time your computer becomes idle. You can change this time in the Action Center, as well as tell Windows whether you want to wake your computer up to perform these tasks. You can also perform the maintenance manually from the Action Center, if you desire.

9. Customize the Apps in the Search Bar

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8When you start searching from the Start screen, you'll see a list of apps under the search bar. Click on one of them, and you'll search those same terms in that specific app. What you may not know is that you can tweak this list, removing and adding apps through Windows 8's settings. Bring up the Charms bar (with Win+C), click Settings, and go down to "Change PC Settings." From there, choose Search from the left sidebar, and turn off the apps you don't want taking up space in this menu.

8. Enable the Hidden "Aero Lite" Theme

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8When Windows 8 was in the testing phases, it had an additional "Aero Lite" theme that took away some of the transparent glass features of Windows Aero. However, the final version of Windows 8 opted for a much more basic theme than the testing builds, so Aero Lite no longer shows up?however, you can still find it in the Themes folder on your computer. With a few small tweaks, you can re-enable it in your Personalization preferences. It isn't too different from the default themes, but it does give a slightly different look to the title button bars and some other small parts of the OS.

7. Enable the Secret Start Screen Animation

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8When you first sign onto Windows 8, you get a very cool flow-y animation of all your tiles filling up the screen. After that, though, the Start screen has a much more toned-down animation. If you want to enable the cooler animation for every launch of the Start screen, you can do so with a simple Registry tweak. You can also customize certain settings for the animation too, which is pretty cool.

6. Customize More Icons in Windows Explorer

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8Remember in Windows 7, when you created a library, it had that ugly, nondescript icon? And you had to go through some complicated process to change it? Well, Windows 8 now lets you customize your Library icons right from its settings. Just right-click on the Library, go to Properties, and you should see the option to change the library's icon right at the bottom. Bonus tip: If Windows Explorer's Favorites icon is getting in your way in the sidebar, you can right-click on the sidebar to hide it (sadly, you can't do the same for Libraries, Homegroup, or other annoying icons).

5. Create and Name App Groups on the Start Screen

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8When you first open up the Start screen, you'll notice that some of your apps are in their own "groups." You can create your own groups just by dragging an app's tile to an empty space on the Start screen?it'll create its own group. If you want to name your groups?say, for "Work," "Games," and so on?you can do so by clicking the small button in the bottom-right corner of the screen and right-clicking on the groups.

4. Take Faster Screenshots

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8For a long time, Windows had an absurd screenshot shortcut in which you had to press Print Screen, then open up an app like Paint or the GIMP and paste in your screenshot from the clipboard. Well, no more! Now, if you press Win+Print Screen (or Win+Volume Down on a tablet), Windows will take a screenshot of your screen and automatically save it in your Pictures folder as a PNG file. It still isn't as powerful as something like Skitch, but if you only need the occasional screenshot, it's nice to see a simpler shortcut built in to the OS.

3. Tweak the Number of Rows on the Start Screen

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8By default, the Start screen fills your monitor up with as many rows of tiles as it can fit, up to 6 rows. If you'd like to lower that number?maybe you have a particularly cool background, or your groups just aren't that big?you can tweak this number by editing the Registry. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to let you pack more tiles onto smaller monitors, but it's a cool little tweak if you want to give your Start screen a more minimal look.

2. Hide Recent Files from Your Jump Lists

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8Jump Lists were a great addition in Windows 7 that helped boost your productivity, but their "Recent Items" feature were a possible privacy concern?say, if there were documents or files you didn't want others to know you had viewed. Windows 8 lets you customize Jump Lists more than Windows 7, giving you the option to hide recently opened items and recently opened programs. To access the preferences, just right-click on the Taskbar, go to Properties, and click the Jump Lists tab.

1. Get More Out of Your Multiple Monitors

Top 10 Secret Features in Windows 8If you have multiple monitors, you've probably noticed that Windows extends your taskbar across both screens. It does more than just that, though: you can press Win+PgUp to move your current app to your left monitor, and Win+PgDn to move it to the right monitor. In addition, if you go to the Desktop Background section of your Personalization settings, you can right-click on any individual wallpapers and choose which monitor you'd like it to show up on. Of course, if you like things the old way, you can also turn off the dual taskbar in Taskbar Properties.

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/QmTjzyEV2GE/top-10-secret-features-in-windows-8

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Romney Campaign Plays The Race Card With Powell Endorsement (OliverWillisLikeKryptoniteToStupid)

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Source: http://news.feedzilla.com/en_us/stories/politics/top-stories/258450791?client_source=feed&format=rss

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Damascus car bomb shatters Syria truce

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/syrian-foes-hold-fire-start-eid-truce-072216740.html

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Chai Digest October 20-26: Rabbis in the great outdoors - Rapid ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Rebuilding Haiti, and Its Tourism from Travel + Leisure explores a country that is on the move and has become a passion of mine since my recent trip. Loyalty Traveler highlights a way you can contribute right now.

Source: http://boardingarea.com/blogs/rapidtravelchai/2012/10/26/chai-digest-october-20-26-rabbis-in-the-great-outdoors/

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Friday, October 26, 2012

Planetarium promises fun for educators and families this weekend ...


There are two events happening at the Rauch Planetarium this weekend. On Friday, October 26 you and your family can take caution at the Fright Light Halloween party from 7pm-9pm. The planetarium has a spooktacular Halloween party planned where kids can play ghost bowling, build a haunted house, and make a mask. After the party, the Fright Light Laser Music Show will begin at 9pm, so enjoy the treats and fun then stay for the frights! Admission is $5 per person and there will be no free admits or coupons for this special event. Those arranging the party festivities encourage you to come in costume.

On Sunday, October 28, the Rauch Planetarium is hosting an educator open house. Educators can experience the Owsley Brown II Portable Planetarium up close and get a sneak peak glimpse into what it?s all about. This portable planetarium will bring the unique experience of a state-of-the-art digital planetarium directly to your school. This portable planetarium will engage students from K-12th grades with experiences designed and aligned with the new Next Generation Science Standards.

The Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium invites educators and families in the community to view the portable planetarium on Sunday, October 28?from 2-5pm. For more information, please contact by calling?502-852-6664 or email planet@louisville.edu.

According to its mission statement, the planetarium serves a variety of audiences, including pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade?students, college students and the general public. It strives to immerse people into the astronomical experience using hi-tech and multimedia presentations. It wants to advance the understanding of the universe and serve as a partner with the community to take a grasp at space and experience it firsthand.

Photo Courtesy of louisville.edu/planetarium

Source: http://www.louisville.com/content/planetarium-promises-fun-educators-and-families-weekend-family-and-parenting

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With small ball, Giants win 2-0 for 2-0 WS lead

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? Long ball one night, a Giant dose of small ball the next.

Two wins in two games and suddenly San Francisco doesn't need to dig itself out of a postseason hole for a change.

Madison Bumgarner shut down the Detroit Tigers for seven innings, then the Giants took advantage of a bunt that stayed fair to eke out the go-ahead run in a 2-0 win Thursday night for a 2-0 edge in the World Series.

Gregor Blanco's single trickled to a stop inches fair on the infield dirt, setting up Brandon Crawford's run-scoring double-play grounder in the seventh. Hunter Pence added a sacrifice fly in the eighth, and that was plenty for these masters of the October comeback.

"It definitely feels a whole lot better than having our backs against the wall," Bumgarner said. "But you can't relax. We've got to keep pushing."

Game 3 will be Saturday night in Detroit and for once, the Giants aren't playing from behind. They overcame a 2-0 deficit to beat Cincinnati in the best-of-five division series and escaped a 3-1 hole against St. Louis in the NLCS.

A day after Pablo Sandoval homered three times, the favored Tigers wondered what other way they could lose. Prince Fielder was thrown out at the plate by a hair and moments later pitcher Doug Fister was struck squarely in the head by Blanco's line drive, a ball hit so hard that it caromed into shallow center field.

"They asked me the typical concussion questions," Fister said. "I'm not concerned. I have a minor bump. According to my dad, my whole life his saying has always been if I got hit in the head I'd be OK. That's how I take it."

The 6-foot-8 Fister managed to stay on the mound, and even excelled. Bumgarner more than matched him, however, allowing just two hits before the San Francisco bullpen closed it out before another pulsating crowd.

Santiago Casilla pitched a perfect eighth and Sergio Romo worked the ninth for a save in the combined two-hitter, leaving Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera and his team in a huge hole heading back to Comerica Park. Anibal Sanchez will start for the Tigers against Ryan Vogelsong in Detroit.

"That's the way baseball is. When things are going well, things are bouncing your way," Giants second baseman Marco Scutaro said. "If things aren't going well, you just keep battling and playing hard. No one is taking anything for granted."

Even so, several dozen members of the Giants family came onto the field at AT&T Park well after the final out to pose for pictures, wanting to savor what they hope is the Giants' last home game of the year.

Blanco, meanwhile, was able to celebrate a single that rolled 45 feet, if that.

"I was joking with (coach) Roberto Kelly when I got to first base, 'We practiced that today,'" Blanco said. "That was a perfect bunt. I wasn't really trying to do that. I think it was just meant to be and I'm thankful that I did it."

The Tigers looked rusty at the plate, maybe still lost following a five-day layoff after an ALCS sweep of the Yankees. Cabrera hopped up in frustration after Sandoval snared his line drive to third.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" Tigers manager Jim Leyland said. "We got two hits tonight. I'm certainly not going to sit up here and rip my offense because last night I thought we had some pretty good swings. Cabrera hit a bullet tonight."

Bumgarner had something to do with the Tigers' troubles, too.

Bumped from the NLCS rotation after two poor postseason starts, he returned with a flourish. The left-hander struck out eight and looked as sharp as he did in the 2010 World Series when, as a 21-year-old rookie, he stopped Texas in Game 4 on the way to a championship.

"Just able to make pitches," Bumgarner said. "I hadn't done a very good job of making pitches this postseason so far and this is a team that you're not going to be able to afford to miss with.

"They hit some balls hard, but luckily we were in the right spot," he said.

Along with his bunt, Blanco might have hit the hardest ball of the game ? the liner that nailed Fister in the second inning. The ball struck the right side of his head and deflected on the fly to shallow center field.

Fister showed no visible effect from the blow ? in fact, some in the crowd wondered whether the ball perhaps glanced off his glove because Fister stayed on his feet. Only when fans saw replays did groans echo around the ballpark.

Leyland, pitching coach Jeff Jones and a trainer went to the mound, and Fister insisted on staying in the game. He walked the next batter to load the bases with two outs, but retired Bumgarner on a popup, starting a streak of 12 straight hitters set down by Fister.

"Well, if you'd have been out there, it was something to see," Leyland said. "Because the trainer was saying, 'Where are you?' 'San Francisco.' 'What game is it?' 'Game No. 2.'

"I don't want to make light of it, but it was kind of comical really because Doug was right on with everything. But I was scared to death when it happened."

The game remained scoreless until the seventh, right after Colin Hanks, the son of actor Tom Hanks ? a former peanut vendor at the nearby Oakland Coliseum ? sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" on the field.

Pence led off with a single and Fister departed, getting lots of hugs in the dugout. Rookie reliever Drew Smyly walked Brandon Belt on a full-count pitch and Blanco's bunt loaded the bases with no outs.

The Tigers kept their infield back up the middle, and had no play at the plate on Crawford's bouncer.

"We felt like we played double-play depth because we felt like we couldn't give them two runs. That's why we did that, and we got the double play," Leyland said.

"To be honest with you, we were absolutely thrilled to come out of that inning with one run. Absolutely thrilled. I mean, we had to score anyway."

Pence added the insurance run the next inning with his flyball off Octavio Dotel.

"We played good small ball today," Pence said. "We played a great game of baseball, had outstanding pitching and great defense and we found a way to get it done."

Of the 52 teams to take a 2-0 lead in the World Series, 41 have gone on to win the title. That includes 14 of the last 15 teams with that advantage.

"I'm not sure, and I haven't done any studies on it," Giants reliever Jeremy Affeldt said, "but statisically it's always better to be 2-0 than 1-1 or 0-2. I'm just guessing."

Fielder and the Tigers came up inches short of taking an early lead, the result of yet another alert play by Scutaro and a dubious decision by third base coach Gene Lamont.

Fielder was hit by a pitch to lead off the second, Delmon Young followed with a double and when the ball rattled around in left field, Lamont waved the burly slugger home. Even with no outs, Lamont sent him.

"I think Gene just got a little overaggressive," Leyland said.

Scutaro, in the middle of every big play for the Giants this month, dashed across the diamond, caught Blanco's relay and unleashed a strong throw to the plate. All-Star catcher Buster Posey made a swipe tag to Fielder's backside, just as the Tigers star slid home. Umpire Dan Iassogna had a clear look and made a demonstrative call ? out!

Fielder immediately popped up from his slide and pleaded his case with two hands, saying he didn't feel the tag. Leyland rushed out and pointed to the plate. At second base, Young yelled, "No!"

But even if there was replay review, it wouldn't have helped the Tigers. Because TV replays showed Iassogna, working his first plate job in a World Series, got it right.

"Any time those kind of freak plays happen that don't go your way," Fielder said. "It takes away a little momentum but you've got to be aggressive. They made a perfect play."

There was no dispute that Fister somehow avoided a serious injury moments later.

Among those who winced was Oakland pitcher Brandon McCarthy, who sustained a skull fracture and brain contusion after being hit by a line drive last month.

"I'm not watching but did just see the replay. Certainly hope he's ok," McCarthy tweeted.

NOTES: Bumgarner struck out Austin Jackson and Omar Infante to start the game. Two other Giants fanned the first two batters in a Series game: Christy Mathewson (1905) and Carl Hubbell (1933). ... Bumgarner picked off Infante at first base to end the fourth. Infante made a break for second and, like Fielder earlier, came up short with his slide. ... Scutaro was the only Giants hitter to have previously faced Fister. ... Posey has a hit in all seven World Series games in his career.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/small-ball-giants-win-2-0-2-0-031920689--mlb.html

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Maine innovation on display at Colisee in Lewiston ? Business ...

LEWISTON, Maine ? It was like the brainiest party you?d ever seen: Roughly 400 people crowded into the Androscoggin Bank Colisee to sip wine, eat cheese and exchange ideas.

Really big ideas.

For the first time, The Maine Technology Institute held its Innovation Economy showcase in Lewiston and the turnout was huge. Hundreds came to see and hear the latest in matters such as renewable energy, communications, biotechnology and manufacturing.

?It?s just amazing,? said MTI President Robert Martin, ?the reach and breadth of what Maine companies can do.?

There was a lot of life-changing technology on display, but one of the busiest booths around was more in the realm of leisure. This belonged to Pantheon Guitars, a Lewiston company that had segments of its high-end acoustic guitars on display.

The booth was busy almost at once. Even the nerdiest people admittedly don?t know how a guitar is made.

?That,? said Pantheon CEO John D. Karp, ?is part of the fun.?

Like all other businesses on display at the show, Pantheon has benefited from MTI, which since 2000 has awarded $142 million in grants and loans to Maine companies and research institutions.

?I?m a huge fan,? Karp said. ?They really helped us to make advances in our processes.?

A few booths down stood the people of Falcon Performance Footwear, an Auburn company. It also has received grants from MTI to help with development. In response to that, it put on display a boot, sliced down the middle to show its many parts.

The booth was manned by Carl Spang. As Falcon president, he doesn?t get out to mingle very often with other innovators.

?It?s great to be out at a local show and to see all these people,? Spang said.

Around the corner was Packgen, an Auburn company that manufactures containers made from composite materials. It, too, benefited from an MTI grant and as a result, it expects to create a dozen additional jobs in the coming year.

The show was about innovation, but it wasn?t as tech-heavy as it could have been. Men in coats and ties mingled with women in power suits. They drank beer and wine and gathered in small groups, talking shop or discussing the state of innovation in Maine.

Which was precisely the point.

?We have these great companies in the state, but you don?t see them; they?re tucked away here and there,? MTI spokeswoman Deborah Cook said. ?This is a chance for us to make all of this visible.?

Gov. Paul LePage, citing illness, failed to show to deliver a speech, but that didn?t quiet the enthusiasm of the gathering. Other speakers took his place, including David Kappos, undersecretary of commerce for intellectual property and director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and Desh Deshpande, a Boston venture capitalist and entrepreneur.

Source: http://bangordailynews.com/2012/10/18/business/maine-innovation-on-display-at-colisee-in-lewiston/

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gap Inc. Creates Global Brand Management ... - Franchising.com

Innovation and Digital Strategy Group Established

SAN FRANCISCO - October 16, 2012 - (BUSINESS WIRE) - Building upon its solid performance this year, Gap Inc. (NYSE: GPS) today announced a new global brand structure designed to fuel the company?s long-term growth. Gap Inc.?s five brands and over 3,200 stores are currently located in more than 40 countries worldwide, up from just eight countries in 2006.

With the start of the 2013 fiscal year, the company will bring together its North American, International, Online, Outlet and Franchise divisions under a single global executive for each of its Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy brands. In addition, to build upon the company?s considerable online success and industry-leading technological advances, the company will form a new Innovation and Digital Strategy team to further its leadership position in this area.

?Our strong performance gives us the confidence to make this move to bring each brand together with the goal of gaining market share around the world and enhancing shareholder value,? said Glenn Murphy, chairman and chief executive officer of Gap Inc. ?The global teams will move even faster in anticipating and responding to the ever-evolving needs of customers, delivering consistently great product around the world.?

Effective November 5, the following members of the company?s management team will begin to transition into their new roles in preparation for the upcoming fiscal year:

At Gap brand, Steve Sunnucks, a 30-year retail veteran and the current president of the Gap Inc. International division, will become Global President, based in New York. Sunnucks brings to this new role extensive global expertise having held senior leadership roles at retailers such as Marks & Spencer and New Look, where he served as CEO. Mark Breitbard, the senior product leader for the brand in the United States and Canada, will take on an expanded role based in San Francisco as President of Gap North America, reporting to Sunnucks.

?Steve is an accomplished fashion retailer who has significantly expanded our International presence,? Murphy added. ?I?m confident he can build upon the success in North America, while also taking Gap to the next level.?

Art Peck, the current president of Gap North America who has led the successful resurgence of the company?s flagship brand, has been appointed President of the new Innovation, Digital Strategy and New Brands Division. Peck will build upon the company?s leadership position in e-commerce and oversee further investments to provide our portfolio of brands with world-class digital capabilities and expertise. He will also guide the development and growth of the Athleta and Piperlime brands.

At Banana Republic, Jack Calhoun, the established president for North America, will become Global President and expand his focus to include all channels and markets globally. Calhoun has grown sales by positioning Banana Republic as the go-to brand for professionals seeking modern and versatile workplace style. The brand?s top merchant, Julie Rosen, will take on additional responsibility for the brand?s North American performance, while continuing to lead global product, reporting to Calhoun.

At Old Navy, as previously announced, Stefan Larsson, a veteran of global retailer H&M, started earlier this month as Global President. Jill Stanton, the former Nike executive who has served as a Creative Advisor to Old Navy this year, joins the brand full-time overseeing all aspects of product design, development and production, reporting to Larsson.

Given the significant long-term opportunity in China for its brands, the company announced that the current, dedicated team in Shanghai, led by Redmond Yeung and Jeff Kirwan, will be overseen by Murphy in the new fiscal year. Nancy Green, product leader for Old Navy, will assume a new role supporting China with responsibility for guiding the product assortment and merchandise for the market.

The company also announced that Toby Lenk, president of its online division, will leave Gap Inc. in February 2013, after ensuring a smooth transition. Lenk has indicated his desire to return to his entrepreneurial roots. Under his leadership, the online division has been a stellar performer and is expected to deliver $2 billion in sales ahead of its 2014 goal.

?Toby and his exceptional team have consistently delivered for our customers and shareholders,? said Murphy. ?Our e-commerce team has created a distinctive customer experience in the marketplace, and I am deeply grateful of Toby?s leadership to the company over the past 10 years.?

The changes announced today build upon the successful shifts made in 2011 that brought together its specialty and outlet divisions and established the Gap Global Creative Center in New York.

For more information on Gap Inc.?s global expansion and opportunity, read Gap Inc.?s global runway. For a list of the company?s Global Management Team, go to www.Gapinc.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the ?safe harbor? provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than those that are purely historical are forward-looking statements. Words such as ?expect,? ?anticipate,? ?believe,? ?estimate,? ?intend,? ?plan,? ?project,? and similar expressions also identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the following:

  • Long-term growth, gaining market share, and enhancing shareholder value;
  • Expected management changes;
  • Building upon success in North America and in e-commerce;
  • Additional investments to build digital capabilities;
  • Significant long-term opportunity in China; and
  • Expected online sales levels and timing.

Because these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, there are important factors that could cause the company?s actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. These factors include, without limitation, the following:

  • the risk that changes in general economic conditions or consumer spending patterns could adversely impact the company?s results of operations;the highly competitive nature of the company?s business in the United States and internationally;
  • the risk that the company or its franchisees will be unsuccessful in gauging apparel trends and changing consumer preferences;
  • the risk that the company?s franchisees will be unable to successfully open, operate, and grow their franchised stores in a manner consistent with the company?s requirements regarding its brand identities and customer experience standards;
  • the risk that the company or its franchisees will be unsuccessful in identifying, negotiating, and securing new store locations and renewing, modifying or terminating leases for existing store locations effectively;
  • the risk that comparable sales and margins will experience fluctuations;
  • the risk that updates or changes to the company?s information technology (?IT?) systems may disrupt its operations;
  • the risk that natural disasters, public health crises, political crises, or other catastrophic events could adversely affect the company?s operations and financial results;
  • the risk that acts or omissions by the company?s third-party vendors, including a failure to comply with the company?s code of vendor conduct, could have a negative impact on its reputation or operations;
  • the risk that the company will not be successful in defending various proceedings, lawsuits, disputes, claims, and audits; and
  • the risk that changes in the regulatory or administrative landscape could adversely affect the company?s financial condition, strategies, and results of operations.

Additional information regarding factors that could cause results to differ can be found in the company?s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 28, 2012, as well as the company?s subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements are based on information as of October 16, 2012. The company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements even if experience or future changes make it clear that any projected results expressed or implied therein will not be realized.

About Gap Inc.

Gap Inc. is a leading global specialty retailer offering clothing, accessories, and personal care products for men, women, children, and babies under the Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Piperlime, and Athleta brands. Fiscal year 2011 net sales were $14.5 billion. Gap Inc. products are available for purchase in about 90 countries worldwide through about 3,000 company-operated stores, about 250 franchise stores, and e-commerce sites. For more information, please visit www.Gapinc.com.


Gap Inc.

Mike Jenkins
415-427-4454 (Investor Relations)

Edie Kissko
415-427-4173 (Media Relations)


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Source: http://www.franchising.com/news/20121016_gap_inc_creates_global_brand_management_structure_.html

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The Internet of Things will transform our everyday life, experts say

ScienceDaily (Oct. 17, 2012) ? The next ICT revolution will have a profound impact on our lives and the economy. Ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things are experiencing remarkable growth. The effects are becoming more and more apparent wherever you look: in housing, transport, health care, and retail, as well as the security and energy industries. VTT has developed key technologies for ubiquitous computing. These include situation awareness for portable devices, mixed and augmented reality, and interoperability solutions enabling devices made by different vendors to share information.

Information technology and electronics are becoming entwined with our everyday lives in industry, the service sector, transport, logistics, health care, housing, education, and our leisure time, almost without our noticing it..

The changes are already apparent to consumers in the energy sector, for example: remotely readable meters are rapidly becoming more common, enabling developments such as new pricing models that encourage the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. The remote control of machines and devices is experiencing substantial growth and spreading to smaller and smaller appliances. Smart buildings use building automation to control their own functions to an ever greater extent, and remote health care applications are increasing apace with the aging of the population.

"VTT is developing uID (universal Identification) technology with our Japanese partner, the University of Tokyo," says VTT Research Professor Heikki Ailisto. "This technology enables the identification and tracking of individual products, components, and food products. With uID, information on origin, manufacture, and history can be attached in the digital world to the most commonplace items over their entire life cycle. A timber plank, for instance, can be tagged with information on which forest the timber was cut from, where it was sawn, how many times it has been painted, and with what paints."

"Three big waves can be identified in telecommunications in the past century or so. First, the telephone connected 500 million places. The mobile phone then connected 5 billion people. The Internet of Things will connect 50 billion devices, machines, and objects. Objects and packages that do not require an actual data connection can also be named and connected to background systems with the help of identifiers," says Ailisto.

Objects converse with each other, mobile phones identify our movements

Ubiquitous computing (ubi) and the Internet of Things (IoT) will revolutionise technology and business. VTT sees an opportunity in this revolution; an opportunity that it wants to grasp together with the industry and other actors. The goal is to create a technological operating environment and to build business on it.

VTT has been developing ubiquitous computing applications and basic technology in the OPENS (Open Smart Spaces) programme. The programme's achievements include the implementation of the interoperability platform Smart M3, which enables various appliances and objects in the home or office to "converse," understand each other, and share information. This interoperability platform, created for devices produced by different manufacturers for a variety of purposes, is based on so-called semantic technology, which defines a common "language" for devices and applications. The interoperability of devices promotes energy saving, comfort, and safety at home and at work. The solution was developed together by VTT, industrial partners, and universities in various national and European projects.

One way to make appliances and services feel "smart" for the user is to make them situationally aware. Situation and location awareness has already been put into practice in mobile communications devices and other appliances. VTT has brought a new dimension to awareness with the solutions it has developed to enable additional recognition of the user's activities -- is the user sitting, walking, or running? -- and his or her method of travel -- is the user travelling by train, bus, car, or bicycle? In this way the user can be offered the most appropriate services for the situation.

One example of interaction technology between man and machine is mixed and augmented reality, an area in which VTT has achieved globally significant results. Such applications include motion sensing input devices and 3D cameras for games and practical applications. Mixed and augmented reality as an interface for mobile phones, for example, is just breaking into the market and entering consumer consciousness.

The worth of business related to IoT technology and applications is rising by 30% each year, and by next year will reach EUR 300 billion. VTT is helping Finnish companies reap their share of this growth. Research in the field is continuing strongly, with a particular focus on the Internet of Things.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT).

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/Lb0HH-lOllM/121017091728.htm

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Medical marijuana advocates want drug reclassified

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A federal appeals court in Washington is considering whether marijuana should be reclassified from its current status as a dangerous drug with no accepted medical use.

Last year, the Drug Enforcement Administration rejected a petition by medical marijuana advocates to change the classification, which kept marijuana in the same category as drugs such as heroin. The DEA concluded that there wasn't a consensus opinion among experts on using marijuana for medical purposes. The petition had been filed in 2002.

A medical marijuana group, Americans for Safe Access, want the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to force the agency to hold a hearing and conduct findings based on the scientific record.

The group's lawyer, Joe Elford, said that the DEA had misapplied the law. He added there are numerous studies that show marijuana is effective as a medical treatment. The group's legal brief said marijuana could help people with chronic pain and the negative side effects of chemotherapy, among other things.

Marijuana is classified under "Schedule I" of controlled substances, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical use. It's lumped in with drugs like heroin, LSD and ecstasy. Americans for Safe Access want to see it reclassified to a less restrictive schedule.

Justice Department lawyer Lena Watkins said that marijuana is properly classified.

"It's the most widely abused drug in the United States," she said.

Tuesday's hearing was packed to capacity with many medical marijuana supporters in the audience.

The judges who will decide the case are Karen LeCraft Henderson, a Republican appointee, and Harry T. Edwards and Merrick B. Garland, both Democratic appointees.


Follow Fred Frommer on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ffrommer

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/medical-marijuana-advocates-want-drug-reclassified-171201289.html

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NASA sees Hurricane Paul 'eye' Mexico's Socorro Island, coastline

NASA sees Hurricane Paul 'eye' Mexico's Socorro Island, coastline [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 16-Oct-2012
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Contact: Rob Gutro
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA's Aqua satellite captured a stunning image of Hurricane Paul in the eastern Pacific Ocean that revealed Mexico's Socorro Island was just outside of Paul's eye. Now, Paul is expected to track along the Baja California coast, triggering more warnings.

Hurricane Paul is stirring up rough seas in the eastern Pacific Ocean and warnings are posted along Baja California.

A hurricane warning is in effect for the west coast of Baja California from Santa Fe northward to Punta Abreojos. A tropical storm warning is in effect for the west coast of Baja California north of Punta Abreojos to El Pocito, south of Santa Fe to Agua Blanca, and on the east coast of Baja California from La Paz to Bahia San Juan Bautista. A tropical storm watch is also in effect for the west coast of Baja California North of El Pocito to Punta Eugenia.

Before Paul turned to mainland Mexico, the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instrument aboard NASA's Aqua satellite captured an image of Hurricane Paul off the west coast of Mexico on Oct. 15 at 1815 UTC (2:15 p.m. EDT). At that time, tiny Socorro Island, Mexico was just northwest of the eye.

Socorro Island is a small volcanic island and is one of the Revillagigedo Islands. It is located about 373 miles (600 kilometers) off Mexico's west coast and has an area of about 60 square miles (132 square kilometers). Socorro is being battered by hurricane-force winds and very rough surf.

On Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 8 a.m. EDT, Hurricane Paul's maximum sustained winds are near 110 mph (175 kph). Paul is a category two hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

Paul's center was located near latitude 22.9 north and longitude 112.3 west. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC), Paul has accelerated and is now moving toward the north-northeast near 21 mph (33 kph). NHC forecasters expect Paul's center to make landfall this afternoon, Oct. 16. A turn to the north with a decrease in forward speed is expected on Wednesday, Oct. 17.

Baja California can expect the same conditions that battered Socorro Island on Oct. 15: heavy rainfall, hurricane-force-winds, and rough surf. Rainfall between 2 and 4 inches with isolated amounts to 8 inches are expected, which can cause flash flooding and mudslides. Dangerous swells are expected to affect the Baja California coast for the next several days.

Hurricane Paul is forecast to track north over the coastline of Baja California over the next day before exiting back into the eastern Pacific on Oct. 17, just west of Central Desert Natural Park, Baja California.


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NASA sees Hurricane Paul 'eye' Mexico's Socorro Island, coastline [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 16-Oct-2012
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Contact: Rob Gutro
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA's Aqua satellite captured a stunning image of Hurricane Paul in the eastern Pacific Ocean that revealed Mexico's Socorro Island was just outside of Paul's eye. Now, Paul is expected to track along the Baja California coast, triggering more warnings.

Hurricane Paul is stirring up rough seas in the eastern Pacific Ocean and warnings are posted along Baja California.

A hurricane warning is in effect for the west coast of Baja California from Santa Fe northward to Punta Abreojos. A tropical storm warning is in effect for the west coast of Baja California north of Punta Abreojos to El Pocito, south of Santa Fe to Agua Blanca, and on the east coast of Baja California from La Paz to Bahia San Juan Bautista. A tropical storm watch is also in effect for the west coast of Baja California North of El Pocito to Punta Eugenia.

Before Paul turned to mainland Mexico, the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instrument aboard NASA's Aqua satellite captured an image of Hurricane Paul off the west coast of Mexico on Oct. 15 at 1815 UTC (2:15 p.m. EDT). At that time, tiny Socorro Island, Mexico was just northwest of the eye.

Socorro Island is a small volcanic island and is one of the Revillagigedo Islands. It is located about 373 miles (600 kilometers) off Mexico's west coast and has an area of about 60 square miles (132 square kilometers). Socorro is being battered by hurricane-force winds and very rough surf.

On Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 8 a.m. EDT, Hurricane Paul's maximum sustained winds are near 110 mph (175 kph). Paul is a category two hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

Paul's center was located near latitude 22.9 north and longitude 112.3 west. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC), Paul has accelerated and is now moving toward the north-northeast near 21 mph (33 kph). NHC forecasters expect Paul's center to make landfall this afternoon, Oct. 16. A turn to the north with a decrease in forward speed is expected on Wednesday, Oct. 17.

Baja California can expect the same conditions that battered Socorro Island on Oct. 15: heavy rainfall, hurricane-force-winds, and rough surf. Rainfall between 2 and 4 inches with isolated amounts to 8 inches are expected, which can cause flash flooding and mudslides. Dangerous swells are expected to affect the Baja California coast for the next several days.

Hurricane Paul is forecast to track north over the coastline of Baja California over the next day before exiting back into the eastern Pacific on Oct. 17, just west of Central Desert Natural Park, Baja California.


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Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-10/nsfc-nsh101612.php

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