Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Despite All The Issues, I?m Ready To Buy My Digital Subscription To The New York Times

Times_Ipad_Web-660x439I've been getting a complimentary digital subscription to The New York Times since it launched its new paywall in March, but I just got an email from the company telling me that it's time to start paying. I'm ready to, but not because of how the subscription is set up. The plan has gotten a lot of skepticism since it launched in March because of its unusual porousness and?complexity. Users can still access up to 20 articles for free every four weeks before having to pay, but some of its blogs and other content are outside the paywall. And people who come to any articles through searches, social media and blogs will still be able to read those article regardless of the monthly limit (so there are all sorts of ways to beat the system and get in for free, like altering the URL). Today's form letter, signed by a marketing executive for the company, doesn't do much to make me more excited about how the Times is going about charging. It uses the tried-and-true print subscription tactic that you've seen newspapers and magazines use for decades. "Continue your unlimited access and pay?99? for your first 8 weeks," the email exclaims.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/N5RgX-ITW2A/

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