Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Uproar over rightist leader's comments about Jews (AP)

VIENNA ? Far-right Austrian politicians were widely criticized Monday for comparing protests against a fancy ball that attracts extremists to the Nazis' persecution of Jews.

Vienna's Jewish community demanded an investigation into the remarks but the Freedom Pary insisted no harm was meant.

The comments by Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache and an associate were first reported Sunday on the website of the daily Der Standard, but they drew little attention until Monday.

The furor extended the controversy over Friday's far-right ball, which attracts guests who include the neo-Nazi fringe and was held this year on the same day the world pays tribute to victims of the Holocaust.

Police recorded only isolated violent incidents Friday from demonstrators outside the Viennese palace where the ball was being held. But Strache was quoted as saying the violence was "like Kristallnacht," referring to the 1938 anti-Semitic riots across Germany and parts of Austria that left streets strewn with broken glass from the windows of Jewish-owned property and synagogues. Kristallnacht was an ominous sign of the Holocaust to follow.

"We are the new Jews," Strache declared to other ball guests, according to Austrian media.

Strache associate Klaus Nittmann, meanwhile, was quoted as saying "whoever works for this ball immediately gets a Jew star pinned on him" ? a reference to the yellow stars Jews were forced to wear under Nazi rule.

Austria's Jewish community demanded that the state prosecutor investigate the comments and urged Strache to give up his parliamentary immunity from legal action.

Karl Oelligner of the opposition Green Party suggested that such comments can only come from someone who "has either lost his marbles or is trying to trivialize the horrors of Nazi rule."

Hannes Rauch, whose centrist People's Party is in the government coalition, called Strache's words "an open slap in the face for all those who were victims of the criminal National Socialist regime."

Freedom Party officials dismissed the criticism. Spokesman Harald Vilimsky spoke of "artificial and ridiculous outrage," adding that Strache only meant the denunciations of ball supporters and attacks on their property are reminiscent of "the horrible reports about the sinister era of National Socialism."

Strache, he said, did not intend to play down "the agony that was forced upon the Jews."

Austria has moved from its postwar portrayal of being Nazi Germany's first victim to acknowledging that it was Hitler's willing partner. Most young Austrians reject Nazi ideology and condemn the part their parents might have played in the Holocaust.

At the same time, the rightist-populist Freedom Party ? whose supporters range from those disillusioned with more traditional parties to Islamophobes and Holocaust deniers ? has become Austria's second-strongest political force.

Although the annual ball regularly comes under criticism, its overlap this year with worldwide commemorations of the Holocaust had increased the pressure on organizers and attendees.

Because it was listed among other champagne-laced Viennese balls, an Austrian committee reporting to UNESCO, the U.N.'s culture organization, struck all the balls from its list of Austria's noteworthy traditions earlier this month.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/europe/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120130/ap_on_re_eu/eu_austria_rightist_ball

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What do killer whales eat in the Arctic?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are the top marine predator, wherever they are found, and seem to eat everything from schools of small fish to large baleen whales, over twice their own size. The increase in hunting territories available to killer whales in the Arctic due to climate change and melting sea ice could seriously affect the marine ecosystem balance. New research published in BioMed Central's re-launched open access journal Aquatic Biosystems has combined scientific observations with Canadian Inuit traditional knowledge to determine killer whale behaviour and diet in the Arctic.

Orca have been studied extensively in the northeast Pacific ocean, where resident killer whales eat fish, but migrating whales eat marine mammals. Five separate ecotypes in the Antarctic have been identified, each preferring a different type of food, and similar patterns have been found in the Atlantic, tropical Pacific, and Indian oceans. However, little is known about Arctic killer whale prey preference or behaviour.

Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is increasingly being used to supplement scientific observations. Researchers from Manitoba visited 11 Canadian Nunavut Inuit communities and collated information from over 100 interviews with hunters and elders.

The Inuit reported that killer whales would 'eat whatever they can catch', mainly other marine mammals including seals (ringed, harp, bearded, and hooded) and whales (narwhal, beluga and bowhead). However there was no indication that Arctic killer whales ate fish. Only seven of the interviewees suggested that killer whales ate fish, but none of them had ever seen it themselves.

The type of reported prey varied between areas. Most incidences of killer whales eating bowhead whales occurred in Foxe Basin and narwhal predation was more frequent around Baffin Island. Inuit were also able to describe first-hand how killer whales hunted, including several reports of how killer whales co-operated to kill the much larger bowhead. During the hunt some whales were seen holding the bowhead's flippers or tail, others covering its blowhole, and others biting or ramming to cause internal damage. Occasionally dead bowheads, with bite marks and internal injuries but with very little eaten, are found by locals.

'Aarlirijuk', the fear of killer whales, influenced prey behaviour with smaller mammals seeking refuge in shallow waters or on shore and larger prey running away, diving deep, or attempting to hide among the ice. Even narwhal, which are capable of stabbing a killer whale with their tusks (although this is likely to result in the deaths of both animals), will run to shallow waters and wait until the whales give up.

Killer whales are seasonal visitors to the area and have recently started colonising Hudson Bay (possibly due to loss of summer sea ice with global warming). Local communities are reliant on the very species that the orcas like to eat. Dr Steven Ferguson from the University of Manitoba who led this research commented, "Utilising local knowledge through TEK will help scientists understand the effects of global warming and loss of sea ice on Arctic species and improve collaborative conservation efforts in conjunction with local communities."

Aquatic Biosystems, (previously Saline Systems), which re-launches today, publishes basic and applied research on aquatic organisms and environments, bridging across freshwater and saline systems from gene systems to ecosystems.


Prey items and predation behavior of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Nunavut, Canada based on Inuit hunter interviews
Steven H Ferguson, Jeff W Higdon and Kristin H Westdal
Aquatic Biosystems (in press)

BioMed Central: http://www.biomedcentral.com

Thanks to BioMed Central for this article.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/117170/What_do_killer_whales_eat_in_the_Arctic_

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Long-term response plan for possible Cuban oil spill

ScienceDaily (Jan. 30, 2012) ? Nova Southeastern University (NSU) and Florida International University (FIU) researchers have drafted a plan to best prepare South Florida for an oil spill off the coast of Cuba.

The proximity of intended Cuban oil drilling and production puts the U.S. coastal zone at risk from Florida to the Carolinas and northward. Oil from a spill would quickly enter the Gulf Stream and reach Florida's shores in hours or days with potentially devastating effects on the densely populated South Florida coastline and its coastal ecosystems. South Florida's accounts for 3.4 million jobs and 45 percent of the $587 billion contribution to Florida's GDP generated by coastal and ocean economic activity.

A likely first impact of a major spill would be the iconic and economically valuable Florida Reef Track, a coral reef ecosystem that stretches from the Dry Torgugas in the Keys to Palm Beach County. Effects could be devastating to the ecology of the reef, Florida's beaches, coastal property and South Florida's economy.

The sustainability plan calls for a partnership between the U.S. Coast Guard, other federal agencies, and a consortium of South Florida academic institutions, including Nova Southeastern University's Oceanographic Center, Florida International University, other schools, and private industry. The Coast Guard is the designated operational leader in any response to a Cuban oil spill.

Because an oil leak originating in Cuban waters will very quickly enter Florida waters, research, planning and preparation activities must be undertaken in advance of an accident so that authorities can respond effectively.

The conceptual plan -- -- a collaborative effort completed by Richard E. Dodge, Ph.D., dean of NSU's Oceanographic Center, and John R. Proni, Ph.D., executive director of FIU's Applied Research Center and others -- was presented Jan 30 in North Miami Beach to the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. At the hearing, Proni provided oral and written testimony which contained the elements of the plan.

The following were the recommendations that were highlighted:

? Implement an oil spill early-warning monitoring system using acoustic, geophysical, satellite and other relevant methods.

? Baseline assessment of the status of coral reef and associated ecosystems in the likely spill path (Straits of Florida, SE/E Florida coast) to prioritize areas for spill response and to set restoration targets should a spill occur.

? Ocean observations for description of the physical oceanography and current movements to have more complete knowledge of the ocean hydrodynamic movements of the Gulf Stream and Loop Current, shallow to deep, from the Yucatan Channel to the Southeast/East coast of Florida.

? Oil and dispersed oil toxicity characterization and toxicity studies to determine effects on a range of coral reef ecosystem and other organisms to develop risk assessments.

? Modeling for prediction of ocean dynamics for spill movement prediction over time and space both in the vertical and horizontal.

? Modeling for prediction of ecological /biological effects under various spill and response scenarios.

? Modeling to assess the potential impact of different observing strategies on baseline data collection, analysis of information, and data required for response and mitigation.

If this NSU-FIU long-term oil spill sustainability plan were to be implemented, it would involve the following elements:

1. Inviting and integrating other federal agencies, in addition to the Coast Guard, into a Cuban oil drilling/production effort for response to a Cuban oil spill.

2. Establishment of a partnership between the U.S. Coast Guard and a consortium of South Florida institutions having the in-depth experience, local knowledge, data, and expertise to be most effective in our unique oceanic and coastal environments.

3. Jointly planning a system for gathering operational data and concurrently for gathering research data with quick payoff for operational activities, e.g. real-time current information for transport calculations and modeling.

4. Jointly planning and implementing a system to gather data which will be of use in longer term damage and impact issues such as oil characterization (both at well site proximity and U.S. coastal water locations), eco-toxicological impacts, coral reef, inlet and port and spatial coastal planning impacts.

5. Evaluating the use and need for, and implementing as necessary, a non-intrusive monitoring system utilizing water borne and bottom borne energies originating at the Cuban oil operation sites. 6. Utilizing/developing systems and platforms, including optical, acoustical, and sampling systems -- both manned and autonomous -- that is capable of detecting, mapping and sampling subsurface oil.

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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/7TpWt6mgIes/120130093113.htm

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Calories count, but source doesn't matter: study (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? People trying to lose weight may swear by specific diet plans calling for strict proportions of fat, carbs and protein, but where the calories come from may not matter as much as simply cutting back on them, according to a study.

Researchers whose results were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found there were no differences in weight loss or the reduction of fat between four diets with different proportions of fat, carbohydrates and protein.

"The major predictor for weight loss was 'adherence'. Those participants who adhered better, lost more weight than those who did not," said George Bray, at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who worked on the study.

Earlier research had found that certain diets -- in particular, those with very low carbohydrates -- worked better than others, Bray told Reuters Health in an email, but there had been no consensus among scientists.

Bray and his colleagues randomly assigned several hundred overweight or obese people to one of four diets: average protein, low fat and higher carbs; high protein, low fat and higher carbs; average protein, high fat and lower carbs; or high protein, high fat and lower carbs.

Each of the diets was designed to cut 750 calories a day.

After six months and again at two years after starting the diets, researchers checked participants' weight, fat mass and lean mass.

At six months, people had lost more than 4.1 kg (9 lbs) of fat and close to 2.3 kg (5 lbs) of lean mass, but they regained some of this by the two-year mark.

People were able to maintain a weight loss of more than 3.6 kg (8 lbs) after two years. Included in this was a nearly 1.4 kg (3 lb) loss of abdominal fat, a drop of more than seven percent.

But many of the people who started in the study dropped out, and the diets of those who completed it were not exactly what had been assigned.

For example, the researchers had hoped to see two diet groups get 25 percent of their calories from protein and the other two groups get 15 percent of their calories from protein. But all four groups ended up getting about 20 percent of their calories from protein after two years.

"If you're happier doing it low fat, or happier doing it low carb, this paper says it's OK to do it either way. They were equally successful," said Christopher Gardner, a Stanford University professor uninvolved in the study.

"They did have difficulties with adherence, so that really tempers what you can conclude," he added.

In the end, he said, people should choose the diet that's easiest for them to stick with. SOURCE: http://bit.ly/zUm9ep

(Reporting from New York by Kerry Grens; editing by Elaine Lies and Ron Popeski)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/weightloss/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120130/hl_nm/us_calories

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GOP Establishment Mobilizes Against Newt (ABC News)

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Iran is gearing up for elections and it isn't pretty

The arrest of at least 10 reporters since the turn of the year and new Internet restrictions point to a battening down of social control ahead of Iran's March elections.

The international focus may be on Iran's nuclear program and all the war talk that's surrounded it. But less noticed is that Iran is gearing up for parliamentary elections in March. Every early sign is that it will be as closely controlled an affair as the 2009 presidential contest that kept Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in power for a second term.

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Iran's supreme religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei may have called Mr. Ahmadinejad's landslide victory a "divine assessment." But forces other than God probably had a hand in Ahmadinejad's victory; there was strong evidence of widespread fraud, which sparked protests on a scale not seen since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

While those protests have since been quashed, the grievances behind them remain. If anything, they have gathered in strength, with an economy suffering blows from US-led international sanctions and ongoing crackdowns against citizens. The smart money is on a parliamentary election whose results are massaged, much as the presidential elections were. But even fixed results will still show shifts in Iran's complex political landscape.

All of this matters because Iran isn't the religious dictatorship that the West imagines. A democracy? Hardly. But there are factions within the elite, and powerful forces in broader society that have influence. Supreme religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's power may be vast, and in theory stems from him being an emissary of God on earth, but in practice he has to bow to more prosaic concerns. There has been persistent speculation throughout the year that Ayatollah Khamenei is fed up with Mr. Ahmadinejad's obsession with end-times millenarian beliefs, representing just one of the fissures on the right in Iran.

Though the country is putting on a brave face internationally, there is evidence that the contradiction of having nominally democratic institutions under a theocratic umbrella is growing ever tougher to sustain. The country is desperately trying to tamp down on the free flow of information.

Human Rights Watch reports that 10 journalists and bloggers have been arrested since the start of the year and the arrests "appear to be part of the government?s most recent campaign to disrupt the free flow of information ahead of parliamentary elections."

Most of those were arrested by armed government agents storming their homes. Human Rights Watch says all of the detainees "have been associated with reformist papers or websites critical of government policies."

The Committee to Protect Journalists says that Iran had 42 reporters locked up last year, the highest number in the world.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/SkOs8hJeWE0/Iran-is-gearing-up-for-elections-and-it-isn-t-pretty

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Unreleased ABBA track on new album

In this June 14, 1974 file photo, Swedish pop group ABBA, Bjorn Ulvaeus, back left, Benny Andersson, back right, Agnetha Faltskog, front left, and Anni-Frid Lyngstad are shown. ABBA fans will soon again be saying "Thank you for the music" with the release of a new track on a special edition of the disbanded 70's pop group's "The Visitors" album. (AP Photo, file)

In this June 14, 1974 file photo, Swedish pop group ABBA, Bjorn Ulvaeus, back left, Benny Andersson, back right, Agnetha Faltskog, front left, and Anni-Frid Lyngstad are shown. ABBA fans will soon again be saying "Thank you for the music" with the release of a new track on a special edition of the disbanded 70's pop group's "The Visitors" album. (AP Photo, file)

STOCKHOLM (AP) ? Mamma Mia, here they go again.

ABBA fans will soon again be saying "Thank you for the music" with the release of a new track on a special edition of the disbanded 70's pop group's "The Visitors" album.

The record, including new track "From a Twinkling Star to a Passing Angel," is the first official new release by the Swedish group in 18 years.

Universal Music Group spokeswoman Mia Segolsson said Friday that the special edition of "The Visitors" ? originally released in 1981 ? will be available in stores from April 23.

ABBA ? Agnetha Faeltskog, Benny Andersson, Bjoern Ulvaeus and Anni-Frid Lyngstad ? split in 1982. The band has never reunited.

Known for catchy hits in the 70s and 80s ? such as "Dancing Queen," and "Money, Money, Money" ? ABBA have sold 400 million records worldwide.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/4e67281c3f754d0696fbfdee0f3f1469/Article_2012-01-27-Sweden-ABBA-New%20Music/id-ce78a2a7eca94c8b9469663f858f93b6

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No. 11 Rutgers women beat No. 23 DePaul 65-64 (AP)

PISCATAWAY, N.J. ? Khadijah Rushdan has been saving her best work for the end of games lately.

The senior guard made virtually every play down the stretch for No. 11 Rutgers in its 65-64 victory over 23rd-ranked DePaul on Tuesday night.

She scored the final 11 points for the Scarlet Knights, including a lay-up with 1.5 seconds left that completed a 16-point comeback in the final 10 minutes of the game. After hitting her lay-in, she wasn't finished, sprinting to the other end of the court and denying the Blue Demons any last chance of pulling out the victory by blocking a shot 40 feet from the basket.

"Khadijah's a winner," Rutgers coach C. Vivian Stringer said. "You see someone who is caged up, when she thinks she's going to lose. She does whatever she needs to do."

Rushdan has been turning up her play lately at the end of games. She's averaging nearly eight points in the final 5 minutes of the Scarlet Knights' last three contests. She almost rallied them from a late nine-point deficit in a loss to St. John's, scoring eight points and having an assist in the final 2 1/2 minutes of that game. That was the team's only blemish in its past nine games.

"I just hate to lose," said Rushdan, who had 16 of her 24 points in the second half.

It was the second time in her career that Rushdan hit a game-winner to lift Rutgers. She hit a pull-up jumper to beat Princeton last season.

Trailing 56-40 midway through the second half, Rutgers (17-3, 6-1 Big East) rallied behind its defense as the Scarlet Knights held DePaul without a field goal over the next 5 1/2 minutes. That helped them go on a 21-8 run to close within 62-61 on Rushdan's layup with 1:49 left. She then blocked a layup by Anna Martin, giving Rutgers a chance to take the lead.

Both teams got sloppy over the next minute, combining for three turnovers.

Rutgers fouled Martin, who converted both free throws to make it a three-point game with 30 seconds left.

After two more turnovers, Rutgers had a chance to tie it, but April Sykes' 3-pointer was off the rim. Rushdan was there to convert the rebound with 12 seconds left to make it 64-63. DePaul inbounded the ball and the Scarlet Knights fouled Deanna Ortiz with 8 seconds left. She missed the front end of a 1-and-1, Rushdan got the ball at midcourt and drove to the basket for the game-winner, hitting the shot over Ortiz.

"I was just trying to get a shot up," said Rushdan. "It's nice I was able to come through for my team. Whether I hit it or someone else hit it, we won that's what matters."

The Scarlet Knights began a rough conference stretch. They visit No. 20 Georgetown before hosting second-ranked Notre Dame and traveling to No. 3 Connecticut.

"We come out the way we came out the last couple of games and we're going to get blown out," Rushdan said. "It needs to start in practice. We need to push each other. We can't think we can show up for games. "

DePaul (15-6, 3-4) was coming off a 44-point loss to No. 3 UConn on Saturday. Martin, the Blue Demons' leading scorer, was held without a point in that game. The junior guard, who was averaging 18.3 points, got going early against Rutgers. She had 12 points in the first half including six straight at one point as the Blue Demons built a four-point lead.

"Any time you lose it's really hard," said Martin, who finished with 26 points. "Saturday was more of an embarrassment I think. Today I feel like the game was ours; we didn't finish it."

Rutgers rallied in the first half behind freshman Syessence Davis, who had seven points during a 14-4 run that gave the Scarlet Knights a 28-23 lead. The game was tied at 32 at halftime. Davis finished with a career-high nine points.

DePaul opened the second half with a 20-6 run to take a 50-36 lead on Brittany Hrynko's 3-pointer. Martin hit two 3s during the burst as the Blue Demons capped the run with four straight 3s. Then they went into their offensive funk and faltered down the stretch.

"This was a tough game to lose," DePaul coach Doug Bruno said. "These players are great young women and deserve to win, but you got to finish it. We deserved this one, but gave it away."

Usually Bruno loves an uptempo game, but the Blue Demons have been decimated by injuries this season. They have lost Keisha Hampton (right knee); Taylor Pikes (ACL); freshmen Alexa Gallagher (right knee) and Chanise Jenkins (left ankle) for the season, leaving the team with eight healthy players.

Former Scarlet Knights star Cappie Pondexter was at the game and received an ovation. Pondexter, who graduated from Rutgers in 2006, spent the first part of the WNBA offseason playing for a team in Russia. The New York Liberty All-Star just signed a contract with a team in Turkey for the rest of the winter and will soon be headed back overseas.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/sports/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120125/ap_on_sp_co_ga_su/bkw_t25_depaul_rutgers_folo

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Radical theory explains the origin, evolution, and nature of life, challenges conventional wisdom

ScienceDaily (Jan. 26, 2012) ? Earth is alive, asserts a revolutionary scientific theory of life emerging from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. The trans-disciplinary theory demonstrates that purportedly inanimate, non-living objects -- for example, planets, water, proteins, and DNA -- are animate, that is, alive. With its broad explanatory power, applicable to all areas of science and medicine, this novel paradigm aims to catalyze a veritable renaissance.

Erik Andrulis, PhD, assistant professor of molecular biology and microbiology, advanced his controversial framework in his manuscript "Theory of the Origin, Evolution, and Nature of Life," published in the peer-reviewed journal, Life. His theory explains not only the evolutionary emergence of life on earth and in the universe but also the structure and function of existing cells and biospheres.

In addition to resolving long-standing paradoxes and puzzles in chemistry and biology, Dr. Andrulis' theory unifies quantum and celestial mechanics. His unorthodox solution to this quintessential problem in physics differs from mainstream approaches, like string theory, as it is simple, non-mathematical, and experimentally and experientially verifiable. As such, the new portrait of quantum gravity is radical.

The basic idea of Dr. Andrulis' framework is that all physical reality can be modeled by a single geometric entity with life-like characteristics: the gyre. The so-called "gyromodel" depicts objects -- particles, atoms, chemicals, molecules, and cells -- as quantized packets of energy and matter that cycle between excited and ground states around a singularity, the gyromodel's center. A singularity is itself modeled as a gyre, wholly compatible with the thermodynamic and fractal nature of life. An example of this nested, self-similar organization is the Russian Matryoshka doll.

By fitting the gyromodel to facts accumulated over scientific history, Dr. Andrulis confirms the proposed existence of eight laws of nature. One of these, the natural law of unity, decrees that the living cell and any part of the visible universe are irreducible. This law formally establishes that there is one physical reality.

Another natural law dictates that the atomic and cosmic realms abide by identical organizational constraints. Simply put, atoms in the human body and solar systems in the universe move and behave in the exact same manner.

"Modern science lacks a unifying, interdisciplinary theory of life. In other words, current theories are unable to explain why life is the way it is and not any other way," Dr. Andrulis says. "This general paradigm furnishes a fresh perspective on the character and meaning of life, offers solutions to protracted problems, and strives to end divisive debates."

One debate swirls around the scientific merit of James Lovelock's popular Gaia hypothesis. By showing that Earth is theoretically synonymous with life, Dr. Andrulis' paradigm substantiates the Gaian premise that all organisms and their surroundings on earth are closely integrated to form a single self-regulating complex system.

Another legendary quarrel is that between biblical creationists and neo-Darwinian evolutionists. In demonstrating that the origin and evolution of life is a consequence of natural laws and physical forces, this theory synthesizes arguments and dispels assumptions from both sides of the creation-evolution debate.

To test his paradigm, Dr. Andrulis designed bidirectional flow diagrams that both depict and predict the dynamics of energy and matter. While such diagrams may be foreign to some scientists, they are standard reaction notation to chemists, biochemists, and biologists.

Dr. Andrulis has used his theory to successfully predict and identify a hidden signature of RNA biogenesis in his laboratory at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He is now applying the gyromodel to unify and explain the evolution and development of human beings.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Case Western Reserve University, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Erik D. Andrulis. Theory of the Origin, Evolution, and Nature of Life. Life, 2011; 2 (1): 1 DOI: 10.3390/life2010001

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/01/120126115127.htm

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/YUoqybFODwA/story01.htm

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

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Guest Post By Heinrich Von Wernumppal

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Source: http://parkwaycircuit.com/?p=2476

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Asian stocks muted as Greece debt talks drag on

(AP) ? Asian stocks hovered between gains and losses Monday in trade thinned by Chinese New Year holidays as talks on a debt agreement for Greece dragged on.

Only a handful of markets were open for business. Trading is closed in mainland China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Japan's Nikkei 225 stock average was down less than 0.1 percent at 8,763.22 and Australia's S&P/ASX 200 slipped 0.3 percent to 4,225.10. New Zealand's benchmark added 0.6 percent to 3,295.02 and India's Sensex inched up 0.1 percent to 16,763.22. Thailand's SET index rose 0.6 percent to 1,065.07.

On Friday, stocks in Europe mostly held their gains for the week, waiting for the outcome of Greece's negotiations with its creditors on a deal to cut the face value of up to euro200 billion ($258 billion) in debt by 50 percent.

Over the weekend, the representative of Greece's private creditors said the talks are continuing even after his unexpected departure from the country.

A deal in Athens would allow the country to receive a second bailout package from other European governments and the International Monetary Fund, and cut Greece's debt from an estimated 160 percent of its annual economic output to 120 percent by 2020.

That is still painfully high, but without the help, Greece will not be able to pay euro14.5 billion in debt due March 20. A Greek default would send borrowing costs higher across Europe and could trigger chaos in the global financial system.

On Wall Street on Friday the Dow rose 96.50 points to close at 12,720.48. The S&P 500 index inched up 0.88 to 1,315.38 and the Nasdaq gained 1.63 points to 2,786.70.

In energy trading, benchmark crude was down 36 cents at $97.97 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

The euro rose 0.1 percent to $1.2896. The dollar was up 0.1 percent to 77.04 yen.

The Register-Guard

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-01-23-World-Markets/id-897fe819a59844b59568c226bc59e0e2

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Ruling that faults FBI is upheld in Bulger case (AP)

BOSTON ? A federal appeals court has upheld multimillion-dollar judgments that found the government liable for the deaths of three people allegedly murdered by James "Whitey" Bulger.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit upheld awards Friday that ranged from $350,000 to $1.3 million for the families of Debra Davis, Deborah Hussey and Louis Litif.

The court affirms a trial judge's decision that the FBI showed "wildly reckless behavior" in using Bulger and his associate, Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi, as informants and shielding them from prosecution.

Steve Davis, the brother of Debra Davis, tells The Boston Globe (http://bo.st/zzfKdP) that the appeals court's decision shows his sister mattered.

Bulger was arrested last year after 16 years on the run. He awaits trial on accusations of participating in 19 murders.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/crime/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120121/ap_on_re_us/us_whitey_bulger_families

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Hip Fracture Patients Often Have Other Health Problems (HealthDay)

MONDAY, Jan. 23 (HealthDay News) -- Weight loss and malnutrition are among the medical conditions that increase treatment costs and the length of hospital stays for older adults with hip fractures, a new study finds.

More than 250,000 hip fractures occur each year in the United States, often resulting in hospitalization, surgery, extended periods of rehabilitation and/or long-term disability, and admission to a nursing home.

This study looked at coexisting medical conditions (comorbidities) that affect treatment costs and the length of hospitalization for hip fracture patients. The researchers examined 2007 hospital discharge data from 32,440 patients treated at more than 1,000 hospitals in 40 states. Nearly 80 percent of the patients were 75 or older and 72 percent were women.

Most of the patients had two or three comorbidities. Only about 5 percent had no other health conditions. High blood pressure affected 67 percent of the patients and was by far the most common comorbid condition.

Other comorbidities included: deficiency anemias (disorders caused by a lack of certain nutrients, such as iron or vitamin B12); fluid and electrolyte disorders; chronic lung diseases; diabetes; neurological disorders; hypothyroidism; and congestive heart failure.

The researchers found that comorbidities significantly increase treatment cost and length of hospital stay. Hip fracture patients who were very thin or malnourished had the greatest increased costs, following by those with pulmonary circulatory disorders that affect blood flow to and from the lungs.

Recent weight loss or malnutrition also had the greatest impact on hospitalization, increasing the length of hospital stay by 2.5 days. Hospital stays were about a day longer for patients with congestive heart failure or pulmonary circulation disorders.

Other comorbidities that lengthened hospital stay were fluid and electrolyte disorders, paralysis, and conditions contributing to blood clots.

The study was published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

Two major issues require further investigation, according to Dr. Kevin Black, one of the study authors and professor and chair of orthopedics and rehabilitation at Penn State College of Medicine.

"First, we need to better understand the total cost of caring for hip-fracture patients. Our study focused only on acute hospitalization, but care typically extends well beyond this, since many patients are discharged to rehabilitation and skilled-nursing facilities," Black said in a journal news release.

"Second, this study did not investigate the quality or outcomes of care. As our population ages, there is reason to believe that the number of hip fractures will increase. Having a better understanding of the comorbidities that affect hip-fracture patients hopefully will lead to the development of strategies to more effectively care for these patients."

More information

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more about hip fractures among older adults.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/weightloss/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20120124/hl_hsn/hipfracturepatientsoftenhaveotherhealthproblems

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Madagascar's exiled president confident of return (AP)

JOHANNESBURG ? Madagascar's ousted and exiled president collected his boarding pass for a flight back to his Indian Ocean homeland Saturday, saying he was confident his second attempt to return would be successful.

"It's finished now, we have the boarding passes," Marc Ravalomanana said after he, his wife and two aides completed that formality at the Johannesburg airport 90 minutes before their South African Airways flight was scheduled to depart. His wife, Lalao, gave a subdued thumbs up as they headed to a car to take them to a VIP lounge to complete the departure process.

Security officials in Madagascar have said Ravalomanana will be arrested if he returns. He says arresting him would be unlawful and would destabilize Madagascar at a delicate time in efforts to restore democracy three years after he was ousted in a military-backed coup.

Ravalomanana, exiled in South Africa since the coup, tried to return last year. Then, he was stopped at the Johannesburg airport after aviation authorities in Madagascar wrote to say he was not welcome.

Following the coup, Ravalomanana was convicted in absentia of conspiracy to commit murder in a case related to the turmoil during his overthrow. The court was appointed by Andry Rajoelina, the populist former disc jockey who ousted him. Ravalomanana called the tribunal illegitimate.

Late Friday, South Africa's deputy foreign minister Marius Fransman, who has led regional efforts to restore democracy in Madagascar, issued what could be read as a warning to Ravalomanana not to return, or to Rajoelina not to seek his rival's arrest.

Fransman noted "the current contextual challenges relating to the political situation in Madagascar," but did not elaborate. Then he said he was calling "on all the political formulations and the political leadership, in particular ... Mr. Andry Rajoelina and former President Mr. Marc Ravalomanana to exercise political maturity."

Asked at the airport about Fransman's comments, Ravalomanana said, "We are mature."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/world/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120121/ap_on_re_af/af_madagascar

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

NYPD begins testing long-distance gun detector as alternative to physical searches

As part of its ongoing effort to keep New York City safe, the NYPD has begun testing a new scanning device capable of detecting concealed firearms from a distance of about 16 feet. Developed in conjunction with the Department of Defense, the technology uses terahertz imaging detection to measure the radiation that humans naturally emit, and determine whether the flow of this radiation is impeded by a foreign object -- in this case, a gun. During a speech Tuesday, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the device shows "a great deal of promise as a way of detecting weapons without a physical search." Kelly went on to say that the technology would only be deployed under "reasonably suspicious circumstances," though some civil liberties activists are already expressing concerns. "We find this proposal both intriguing and worrisome," New York Civil Liberties Union executive director Donna Lieberman said in a statement, adding that the scanner could all too easily infringe upon civilian privacy. "If the NYPD is moving forward with this, the public needs more information about this technology, how it works and the dangers it presents." For now, the NYPD is only testing the device at a shooting range in the Bronx, and has yet to offer a timeline for its potential deployment.

NYPD begins testing long-distance gun detector as alternative to physical searches originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 21 Jan 2012 07:08:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/01/21/nypd-begins-testing-long-distance-gun-detector-as-alternative-to/

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NASA Spacecraft in Home Stretch of Journey to Pluto (SPACE.com)

A super-speedy NASA probe marks six years of spaceflight today (Jan. 19), beginning the last leg of its journey to the small, faraway world of Pluto.

The New Horizons spacecraft launched Jan. 19, 2006, on a mission to become the first probe to visit the dwarf planet Pluto and its moons. That unprecedented encounter is slated to begin in January 2015, so New Horizons has now entered the home stretch of its nine-year trip, researchers said.

"It's really around the corner," said New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern, of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo. "We're just more and more excited."

Entering 'late cruise' phase

The New Horizons team breaks the spacecraft's flight to Pluto into three three-year segments, Stern said ? early cruise, mid cruise and late cruise.

"We are now turning the corner from mid cruise to late cruise," Stern told SPACE.com. "We're really in the final stages." [Photos of Pluto and Its Moons]

Late cruise should be a busy time for mission scientists and engineers, as they check out the spacecraft's systems and prepare for the flyby of Pluto and its four known moons. That encounter technically begins in January 2015, Stern said, though closest approach will occur that July, when New Horizons comes within about 6,000 miles (9,600 kilometers) of Pluto.

During the flyby, New Horizons will study Pluto and its moons with seven different instruments, performing the first in-depth reconnaissance of these frigid, far-flung objects.

In fact, researchers have said, the mission will give scientists their first good look at any dwarf planet ? a class of bodies suspected to be far more numerous in our solar system than terrestrial and giant planets combined.

1 billion miles to go

Pluto is found in the Kuiper Belt, the ring of icy objects beyond Neptune's orbit. As of today, New Horizons has put about 2.14 billion miles (3.45 billion km) on its odometer, with roughly another 1 billion miles (1.6 billion km) left to go before the close encounter.

The probe's work won't be done after it flies by the Pluto system in 2015. The mission team wants New Horizons to study one or two other Kuiper Belt objects as well.

NASA has billed New Horizons as the fastest spacecraft ever launched from Earth. According to the mission team, the probe is now speeding through space at 34,426 mph (55,404 kph) relative to the sun.

While New Horizons spends most of its cruise time hibernating, it's awake for now. Scientists and engineers are performing various tests on the spacecraft throughout January, Stern said, adding that the spacecraft is in good health.

'An American story'

The excitement of the New Horizons team has been tempered with some sadness this month, as the scientists mourn the death of Patsy Tombaugh, the widow of Pluto's discoverer.

Pluto was discovered in 1930 by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, who died in 1997. Patsy passed away on Jan. 12 at the age of 99.

Patsy Tombaugh was very enthusiastic about the New Horizons mission, and the team will miss her a great deal, Stern said.

"She was such a wonderful woman," Stern said. "It was sad to see her pass without getting to see what her husband's planet really looked like."

But the Tombaughs' two children, Annette and Alden, should get to see what New Horizons discovers. They'll be the mission team's guests of honor when the probe makes its closest approach to Pluto in July 2015, Stern said.

On top of its technical and scientific ambitions, New Horizons is also part of "a very personal story, an American story," Stern said. "I think that just makes it nice."

You can follow SPACE.com senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter: @michaeldwall. Follow SPACE.com for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/space/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/space/20120119/sc_space/nasaspacecraftinhomestretchofjourneytopluto

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Facebook, Google, others face charges in India (AP)

NEW DELHI ? For the first time, Indian prosecutors are taking Google, Yahoo, Facebook and other networking sites to court for refusing to remove material considered insulting to Indian leaders and major religious figures.

Government officials are upset about material insulting to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, ruling Congress party leader Sonia Gandhi and major religious figures. Some illustrations have shown Singh and Gandhi in compromising positions and pigs running through Mecca, Islam's holiest city.

On Friday, the federal government told a New Delhi court that there was sufficient material to proceed against 21 social networking sites for offenses of "promoting enmity between classes and causing prejudice to national integration," according to the Press Trust of India news agency.

The cases, which PTI said name companies including Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft, represent a new risk of doing business in the nation of more than 1 billion people, which is looking to technology to boost its economy and standard of living. The dispute highlights India's difficulty in balancing the Internet culture of freewheeling discourse with its homegrown religious and political sensitivities.

Convictions could bring fines and up to five years' imprisonment, through prosecutors have named only the companies involved rather than any executives. Metropolitan Magistrate Sudesh Kumar on Friday asked India's External Affairs Ministry to serve summons to officials of foreign-based companies for court appearances March 13.

In December, Telecommunications Minister Kapil Sibal said he had spoken repeatedly with officials from major Internet companies over the past three months and asked them to come up with a voluntary framework to keep offensive material off the Internet. He said that the companies told him there was nothing they could do.

There was no immediate comment by the networking sites after Friday's court proceedings.

However, Facebook said last month that it would remove content that "is hateful, threatening, incites violence or contains nudity."

Google said in a December statement that it removes content that violates local law and its own standards.

"But when content is legal and doesn't violate our policies, we won't remove it just because it's controversial, as we believe that people's differing views, so long as they're legal, should be respected and protected," Google said in a statement in December.

Sibal had shown reporters Web illustrations showing Singh and Gandhi in compromising positions as well as a site showing pigs running through Islam's holy city of Mecca, a clear insult to Muslims.

Sibal said the Internet companies had told him that they were applying U.S. standards to their sites, and he objected, saying that they needed to be sensitive to Indian sensibilities.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/tech/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120114/ap_on_bi_ge/as_india_internet

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